Folktale Week 2021

This year I participated as well in the Folktale week from 15 to 21 November. Folktale Week is an Instagram challenge where artists from all over the world participate by posting one piece of art each day for 7 days inspired by the 7 prompts created by the year’s hosts. This year the word were:…

Flora of the world

The fourth volume of the Atlases of Biodiversity that I illustrated – Flora of the world – is out in bookstores.Like the previous ones, this has been written by the unique Emanuela Durand, and published by Sassi Junior. After a highly challenging selection, in the book you will find 26 plants from all over the…

round colorful illustration of sea creatures

Atlas of Biodiversity: Oceans and Seas

The third volume of the Atlases of Biodiversity: Seas and Oceans is now available in bookstores! In this volume, written as usual by the incomparable Emanuela Durand and illustrated by me, we touched some of the most beautiful, fascinating and fragile marine ecosystems on the planet. The guide we have chosen for this journey into…

Mermay and the mermaid fairy Melusine

It’s been some time since the last update to my legends sketchbook. I’ve been so taken by delivering new projects and publishing new books that I didn’t add new pages for a while. Despite everything, this month I really wanted to give some space to my passion for folklore. In the artists’ community online, May…

Ecosystems to protect

Today, my new book, “Atlas of biodiversity – Ecosystems to protect,” has reached the bookstores! Published by Sassi Junior, it is the second volume of a series I’m working on.The first one was dedicated to unusual animals and their incredible ability to adapt to the environments in which they live. In this case, the protagonist…

Fiore – the paper toy bunny

attività per bambini, carta, illustrazione, libri per bambini, libro illustrato, origami, paper toy, scaricare gratuitamente, download gratuito, children activity, paper craft, illustration, children’s book, free download, gift…

Atlas of biodiversity, curious and unusual animals

I was really looking forward to the release of this project which was incredibly engaging for me, from the design, to the layout and, of course, the illustrations.The Atlas of biodiversity – curious and unusual animals, published by Sassi Junior, is a book where I, with my drawings and Emanuela Durand with her fantastic knowledge…

Christmas paper toy, free download

At last, it was time to exchange gifts! But the best thing they had found was not inside the package, but in the friend’s eyes, where the same desire to joke and smile was. This year I have designed several paper toys, which you can find here, here, and here for free download. I hope…

Illustrations for “10 in scienze”

Fresh off the press in the bookstores, a book I worked on a few months ago came out: 10 in scienze, storia della vita sulla terra, (10 in Sciences, history of life on Earth), published by Centro Studi Erickson.It’s been such an exciting project to work on because the illustrations I had to conceive were…