The fourth volume of the Atlases of Biodiversity that I illustrated – Flora of the world – is out in bookstores.Like the previous ones, this has been written by the unique Emanuela Durand, and published by Sassi Junior. After a highly challenging selection, in the book you will find 26 plants from all over the…
Tag: albo illustrato

I was really looking forward to the release of this project which was incredibly engaging for me, from the design, to the layout and, of course, the illustrations.The Atlas of biodiversity – curious and unusual animals, published by Sassi Junior, is a book where I, with my drawings and Emanuela Durand with her fantastic knowledge…

On my Instagram account, I asked to participate with some suggestions for new paper toys. After choosing two, I made these new animals. The first one is a cat, to celebrate the pets that are comforting us so much in this period of quarantine. The coloured one is inspired by my cat “Desbela” (in Piedmontese…

I love to create simple and fun paper toys! I like to challenge myself to think about how to make a paper animal with few 3D shapes. Here you can find the the contemplative koala, the climbing koala, and the little pig (don’t worry, he isn’t always so moody!) You can print it and assemble…

In Italy, the last days of January are called “Giorni della merla”, the “hen blackbird days”. A folk tale tells that in ancient times blackbirds were white. In a cold winter, there was a family of blackbirds hidden from the icy weather in their nest. At the end of the month, the hen blackbird jumped…

It’s said that in the Germanasca Valley – in the Northwest of Italy – lived a family in which the two daughters-in-law and mother-in-law couldn’t agree on almost anything. The two girls were terrible slackers and it was said that the spirits had taken advantage of all that discord to get into their business.One day,…

One day, in the mountains of Val Troncea (in Piedmont, in the Northwest of Italy) Count Trucchetti was ascending, accompanied by his minstrel, when, in an opening between the rocks, he saw a beautiful fairy. He fell hopelessly in love and followed her into the darkness of the cave where she lived, and swore eternal…

It’s said that in Val Pellice, in the Italian Piedmont Alps, no one could succeed in bringing water to the houses of the Roussenc hamlet. One evening, the inhabitants were gathered in the stable, when a stranger entered and promised to bring the water to the village before the crowing of the cock in exchange…

In Val Germanasca in the north-west Italy, right in the middle of the old road that leads to Prali, there is a huge rock split in half. According to a funny legend, the fault is all of a greedy donkey. One day, as sometimes happens in the mountains, the fog in the valley was so…

At Nido dell’Orso, above Prali, on the Piedmontese Alps in Italy, there were two sisters of opposite souls: one was kind and a great worker, the other was rude and lazy. Although the good girl spent her days at work in the stable, she always had some money to buy new clothes and jewels that…